Komlodi Part 4: Further Analysis of the Scafidi Charge

By Michael Zerres

Part 4 of the Komlodi v. Picciano, WL 2050758 (N.J. 2014) See Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 The Use of the Scafidi Charge In Scafidi v. Seiler, 119 N.J. 93 (1990), a two-part test was created for proving causation in cases where plaintiff’s injuries are, in part, attributable to a pre-existing condition. First, the
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Komlodi v. Picciano, WL 2050758 (N.J. 2014) – Part 3

By Michael Zerres

Komlodi Part 3 See Part 1, Part 2 Plaintiff alleged Dr. Picciano breached the duty of care in prescribing a Duragesic patch to Michelle Komlodi, a known abuser of drugs and alcohol who orally ingested the patch, resulting in a severe brain injury. The Trial Court had to assess the issue of whether Dr. Picciano,
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Komlodi v. Picciano, WL 2050758 (N.J. 2014) – Part 2

By Michael Zerres

Komlodi Part 2 See Part 1 The Plaintiff alleged Dr. Picciano breached the duty of care in prescribing a Duragesic patch to Michelle Komlodi, a known abuser of drugs and alcohol who orally ingested the patch, resulting in a severe brain injury. The Trial Court had to assess the issue of whether Dr. Picciano, the
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Komlodi v. Picciano, WL 2050758 (N.J. 2014) – Part 1

By Michael Zerres

Komlodi Part 1 Plaintiff alleged Dr. Picciano breached the duty of care in prescribing a Duragesic patch to Michelle Komlodi, a known abuser of drugs and alcohol who orally ingested the patch, resulting in a severe brain injury. The Trial Court had to assess the issue of whether Dr. Picciano, the plaintiff, or, both were
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I/M/O Suspension or Revocation of the License of Dara, A-1110-11T4, A-4861-T4

By Michael Zerres

In this administrative law action, Parvez Dara, M.D. appeals from the decision of the New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners revoking his medical license and ordering him to pay $30,000 in penalties. Dara also appeals the Board’s award of $372,029.28 in fees and costs to the State. The administrative penalties arose due to allegations that
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